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The Groom’s Toast













Tradition has it that toasting is in the groom’s domain. The toasts usually occur during the reception or the rehearsal dinner. At the reception, the best man leads off the toasting. The groom’s toast can come any time after the best man has made his toast. Most likely, though, the parents of the bride and groom will make toasts ahead of the groom. At the rehearsal dinner, the host of the dinner, traditionally the groom’s father, makes the first toast. After that, the floor is open and the groom can stand to make his toast.


Making a good toast:

Unless you are a comedian or politician, don’t try to wing it! Prepare some notes several days ahead, memorize your words and then practice them—out loud. It is fine to use your notes during your toast. When it is time, stand up and take the microphone, if there is one. If you are making the toast with another, say your bride, don’t speak in unison. Take turns.


The Basics…

  • Keep it short.

  • Be sincere.

  • Thank everyone for coming and thank your parents and hers.

  • Tell brief personal (not too personal!) stories of experiences shared with your bride, but don’t tell embarrassing stories or go on and on and on.

  • Turn to your bride and look her in the eye, tell her how proud you are to be her husband, how happy you are today and how much you love her.

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